In The News
Utah Commercial Real Estate Economic Forecast 2021
– 2020 RealCon Event Highlights
October 28, 2020
As President of the Utah CCIM I had the privilege of interviewing KC Conway, CCIM Chief Economist, as he gave his perspective on Utah’s economic outlook for 2021 and beyond. Included in the video below is our discussion of Utah’s commercial real estate outlook for 2021 and the future and how the events of 2020 are impacting commercial real estate trends and what future transactions might look like. This video was part of the pre-recorded CCIM RealCon Annual Event which provides industry players information and tools they need to improve their business in these rapidly changing times.
Watch as Economist KC Conway gives his perspective on how Utah’s commercial real estate is growing even during this pandemic and how he believes the future of commercial real estate in Utah looks bright compared to other states. For the full version of the RealCon video event contact Jody Jones.
“You guys are doing great. You’re really getting through Covid the best out of any state in the country,” he says. Conway goes on to summarize the future of Utah’s economy and factors that effect it such as, airline travel, banking, potential shifts in office space vacancies, and where future office space demands will be down the road. He describes how other states are transitioning commercial real estate space to different types of usage from what they were originally designed for, and how that might happen in Utah. He describes how Utah’s unique hospitality sector, such as ski lodges and cabins, are ideal for social distancing conferences over the traditional New York, LA, and Orlando venues.
Contact Jody Jones
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Jody Jones, CCIM
1075 East Hollywood Avenue
Salt Lake City, Utah 84105
Salt Lake City
Downtown | 9th and 9th | Granary District
Sugarhouse | Cottonwood Heights | Millcreek | Murray | West Valley | South Jordan